The Debate in School Textbooks

The content of school textbooks is often the issue of debate, as their target audience is young people, and the term “whitewashing” is the one commonly used to refer to selective removal of critical or damaging evidence or comment. The reporting of military atrocities in history is extremely controversial, as in the case of the Holocaust (or Holocaust denial) and the Winter Soldier Investigation of the Vietnam War. The representation of every society’s flaws or misconduct is typically downplayed in favor of a more nationalist or patriotic view. Also, Christians and other religionists have at times tried to block the teaching of the theory of evolution in schools, as evolutionary theory appears to contradict their religious beliefs. In the context of secondary-school education, the way facts and history are presented greatly influences the interpretation of contemporary thought, opinion and socialization. One legitimate argument for censoring the type of information disseminated is based on the unsuitable quality of such material for the young. The use of the “inappropriate” distinction is in itself controversial, as it can be used to enforce broader and more politically motivated censorship.